In the Middle Ages Stettin was considered an impenetrable fortress. In Denmark there was even a saying: "You're not safe, unless you are protected by the walls of Stettin."

Stettin is often called the Paris of the North. It's because of the "starry" urban layout - modeled after Paris. The three central squares in Stettin reflect the position of the Giza pyramids relative to the Nile and the belt of the constellation Orion to the Milky Way.

The tram communication was launched in Stettin in 1879. The tram depot - on present Wiszesława street - fit up to 90 tramcars!

Stettin is a "city on the water". Odra River with tentacles 16 lakes and ponds, canals, old river beds, fountains... occupying a total surface of over 30% of Stettin.

Which capital city is situated closest to Stettin? Warsaw? Well, no! There are closer neighbors: Berlin, Copenhagen and even - which sounds unbelievable - Czech Prague.

Stettin is often called the "green city" because much of its area is covered by beautiful parks, forests and flower beds. In the city there are 15 parks with a number of rare specimens of trees and shrubs.

During the interwar period "Gross-Stettin" was one of the most modern cities in Europe. Some streets - wide and full of boutiques – were confusingly similar to New York City.

The final of the Tall Ships' Races - the world's largest sailing event - brought to Szczecin more than two million viewers in 2007. In 2013, about half a million more. The next event is coming soon, in 2017.

What is hidden under Stettin? The great, undiscovered system of underground corridors - with highways, under-river crossings and the unfinished railway station. Presumably, the famous Amber Room is still walled up somewhere there...

In 1945, Stettin pioneers found themselves on unfamiliar terrain. Carpet bombing destroyed the city, but it was rebuilt in record time. A lot of bricks were used for the reconstruction of Warsaw's Old Town.

Beavers, moose, cormorants, old river beds, canals, backwaters... The Landscape Park “Lower Oder Valley" - wild nature almost in the center of the city.

Proud Slavs, the powerful Hanseatic League, energetic Denmark, fighter Prussia, creative Germany, sophisticated France, innovative Sweden, reborn Poland... The spirit of the city is cosmopolitan.


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Stettiner Id & Story


Huge advertising clutter, generations X, Y, Z, overloaded social media... How to reach a specific audience? How to make a brand appealing to customers? We know several, tested, recipes for building a brand’s IDentity. They always contain the same components: creativity + latest technologies + edge quality. For us, every brand is a new opportunity to create a unique concept.



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